Bio Polymer

Bio-based polymers

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Bio Polymer

TerraBio® family of products are designed to enable biodegradable product options across a wide range of environmental conditions. Products for industrial and municipal composting, home composting, anaerobic digestion as well as soil & marine degradability are available and can be further tailored for each application. This portfolio is able to support a broad range of end of life strategies and disposal options for single use and durable products within a circular economy framework. This unique portfolio of TerraBio® compounds has been developed using renewably sourced resin systems such as PLA, PBS, PBSA, and PHA and also traditional compostable resins such as PBAT. In addition, various performance additives are utilized to further tailor and improve the utility range of these compounds. This unique series of TerraBio® compounds is formulated with Nuvolve™ Enzymatic PolySaccharide additives to enable performance differentiated, high biocontent compounds with accelerated biodegradability. A broad range of properties from high to low modulus suitable and high temperature performance are possible. All key thermoplastic conversion processes can be supported with these compounds: injection molding, blown & cast film, cast sheet, thermoforming and foaming.

TerraBio ® Series

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